Understanding HVAC Guidelines
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Understanding HVAC Guidelines

Once I purchased my first home, I realized that I needed to do my part in caring for my home appliances. In addition to reading the user manuals for my kitchen appliances and state-of-the-art plumbing system, I realized that I also needed to do a little research about HVAC. Because I had no experience with HVAC systems, I called out a professional to teach me a thing or two. It was fascinating to talk with him, and I was able to take notes about all kinds of important topics, such as maintenance, troubleshooting, and even shopping for a new system. This blog is all about understanding HVAC guidelines.

Understanding HVAC Guidelines

  • How To Choose The Ideal Placement Location For Your AC's Indoor Unit In The Living Room

    23 July 2020

    Installing an AC air handler in the living room will make the space comfortable during the hot summer months. However, the efficiency of the indoor unit will depend on where you place it. As a rule of thumb, you should install the air handler high up on a wall. Since warm air rises, it will get cooled as it rises, and this will create a comfortable space. But how do you decide on which wall to install the unit?

  • A Guide to Handling Your Home Plumbing Services

    26 May 2020

    On average, American households use a whopping 400 gallons of water each and every day. Not only is this a huge source of energy use, but it also illustrates that your plumbing system is arguably the most used fixture in your household. Because of this, you should begin getting to know a little bit about how your plumbing system actually works. In addition to finding a qualified plumbing technician to help you out with any sorts of services you need, give yourself the chance to ramp up your maintenance and repairs as needed.

  • An Overview of Common AC Thermostat Problems

    15 May 2020

    The thermostat triggers the cooling and off cycles of the air conditioner (AC). Thus, your AC might run continuously, fail to run, or run inefficiently if the thermostat malfunctions. Below are some common problems that plague thermostats and lead to inefficient cooling. 1. Poor Placement The thermostat works best if it can read the actual temperature in the house. Your thermostat will read the wrong temperature if you have not installed it in the right place.

  • Causes And Effects of Soot Buildup in Your Furnace:

    15 May 2020

    Soot on or around your heating system is a concern. The more soot you have, the more serious the problem is. Here are some reasons for too much soot on a furnace, plus potential effects. Causes Here are some of the reasons for an unusual soot buildup. 1. Incomplete Combustion: Soot is a common byproduct of combustion — it represents incomplete combustion. Thus, a high degree of incomplete combustion leads to more soot produced.

  • The Top Reasons Why You Need To Hire A Professional For Air Conditioning Repair

    7 May 2020

    Why is air conditioning repair a job for a professional? If you have dreams of easy, inexpensive do-it-yourself fixes, take a look at the top reasons to call a contractor before you attempt a YouTube-led HVAC repair. Your AC System Has a Refrigerant Leak Refrigerant is a necessary part of your home's air conditioner. Without it, the AC system couldn't remove heat from the air and cool the interior space. If you have an older central air conditioner, it's likely your system uses HCFC-22 or R-22 as a refrigerant.