Once I purchased my first home, I realized that I needed to do my part in caring for my home appliances. In addition to reading the user manuals for my kitchen appliances and state-of-the-art plumbing system, I realized that I also needed to do a little research about HVAC. Because I had no experience with HVAC systems, I called out a professional to teach me a thing or two. It was fascinating to talk with him, and I was able to take notes about all kinds of important topics, such as maintenance, troubleshooting, and even shopping for a new system. This blog is all about understanding HVAC guidelines.
Marilou Girard
Having a new AC system installed is a complex and labor-intensive process. This is true whether you're having an AC system installed in a new home or adding a system to an existing home. Although the specific challenges are unique to each situation, there are some basic characteristics that are the same. If you are in the planning stages for a major HVAC project, it is helpful to have a little knowledge about the installation process before consulting with your contractors. This can help you to better understand the work that they will be doing and the decisions that need to be made.
Sizing the System
Any HVAC install begins with the sizing and planning process. Before equipment can be purchased or work can begin, it is important for your HVAC technicians to determine exactly how much heating and cooling your home requires. The overall square footage of the area that the HVAC system will cover provides a starting point, but it is only the beginning. In addition to raw area, your technicians will also need to determine the overall load on the system. This includes variables such as how warm or cold the environment around your home gets, heat loading from items (such as appliances), the presence of windows, and the type of insulation used.
Selecting Equipment
Once your technician determines the overall amount of heat load that your home needs to deal with, the next step is choosing equipment to deal with it. Based on the calculations they made, they will be able to recommend the proper equipment to keep your home cool. While it can be tempting to skimp here, it is important to understand that using an AC unit that is properly sized is an important matter of efficiency. A unit that is too small won't simply provide less cooling, it will run less efficiently, use more energy, and likely wear out more quickly due to the stress.
Planning Layout and Ductwork
The majority of home AC systems are split unit systems. This means that an evaporator coil and blower unit are installed inside the house, while a condenser unit is installed outside. These two units are connected by plumbing which allows the refrigerant to travel through the system and carry heat away from your home. The blower located inside the house moves the cooled air through ducts to each room covered by the system. Planning this properly involves choosing where the indoor and outdoor units will be located, designing the refrigerant plumbing system, and sizing and laying out the ductwork. Special attention should be paid to ductwork planning, as improperly sized ductwork can stress the system and cause it to run inefficiently.
Finally, the installation of the equipment and ductwork can begin. Although this is a complex process in and of itself, proper planning will ensure that it goes smoothly. If you are installing an AC system in new construction, then the job is made significantly easier since the ductwork can be installed while technicians can still easily access walls, attics, etc. Installing ductwork in an existing home is more difficult, and often ducts will need to be run through closets or in other accessible areas. Skilled technicians will be able to tackle either project, however, guaranteeing efficient and effective cooling for your home.
Contact local HVAC installation services to get the project started.